I am Finn

Aerospace Engineer and software developer


Torch chess engine

I am one of the core developers of the second best chess engine in the world as of 2024 while working with a small international group. The project has started in early 2023 and was initialised by Chess.com.

Koivisto chess engine

I have co-authored one of the strongest chess engines in the world while working with a small international group for two years. Development included numerical optimizations which lead to the implementation of multiple working neural network training frameworks.

3D Finite Element Solver

During my bachelor thesis, I worked on my own three-dimensional finite element solver for structural mechanical problems. I also learned the basics of HTML and Javascript and brought my C++ FEM solver into the browser. Now it's possible to analyse and optimise two-dimensional structures directly inside the browser

Topology optimization

As an extensions to my 3D-FEM solver, I implemented a topology optimization algorithm which effectively and efficiently optimises the material distribution inside solid mechanical objects. This option is also available inside the browser.

Neural network training framework for chess

For my chess engine to become one of the best in the world, I used the power of the general function approximators, also known as neural networks. To efficiently process billions of chess positions in a reasonable timespan, I coded a complete neural network framework from scratch in Cuda.

N-Body Differential equation simulation

As a fun project I coded up a small website which utilises 3D OpenGL to simulate custom nbody problems. It features an accurate representation of the solar system as well as any other non-collisional hamiltonian problem

Fully functional 3D engine

The dream of most programmers is a functioning 3D framework for small games. I took more than 2 years of my youth to code up such a framework for myself. It is very efficient and features some nice graphics like shadows and special texturing techniques. I used the knowledge from this project for my nbody-simulation website which also utilises OpenGL

Generalised neural network framework

To achieve high performance neural network training for generalised architectures, I have coded a second neural network framework. Its more flexible than the framework for chess at the cost of slightly slower runtime. It serves me to train various models as well as a playground for genetic and evolutionary algorithms

Raytracing engine

Beside working on a 3D graphics engine in OpenGL, I was always fascinated by light-transport algorithms for more realistic images. I implemented various light transport algorithms for trivial geometries, complex custom objects and fractals

Math equation generator

While taking a small break from studying, people were playing a mathematical card game which involved coming up with an equation that evaluates to 24 which uses 4 given values exactly once. Tired of losing this game, I coded up a tool to generate solutions to this problem.


I received the german physics prize for my excellent results during my senior high school years in physics

German physics-prize

With my chess-engine, I reached the second place in the computer chess championship manifesting my engine as the second best engine in the world

Second place in the Computer Chess Championship
2023, 2024

I received the Springorum Award from RWTH University in 2024 with summa cum laude for my outstanding academic achievements and significant contributions to scientific research. This prestigious award recognizes excellence and honors exceptional students in their respective fields of study.

Springorum Award from RWTH University
(summa cum laude)

I won the Startup Weekend Munich in 2018 by presenting an innovative digital health idea. I convinced investors of its potential impact and feasibility, demonstrating my entrepreneurial skills and ability to develop viable solutions under pressure.

Winner of startup-weekend Munich

I won first prize in the Känguru-Competition multiple times during my high school years, showcasing my strong math skills at a young age.

First prize in the Känguru-Competition
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015




Engineering Tools

Siemens NX

Misc Tools

Office Suite
Adobe Suite

Curriculum Vitae

  • Today
  • March 2024
  • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at RWTH

    I hold a Master's degree in General Mechanical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University, where I specialized in Aerospace Engineering and Simulation Sciences. My coursework focused on numerical optimizations, space mechanics, satellite systems, and simulation sciences, particularly Finite Element Methods (FEM) for structural systems and numerical analysis in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Starting in October 2022, I completed the program in just three semesters. My final grade was 1.1, which is equivalent to an A+ in the American grading system or a 4.0 GPA.
  • March 2024
  • Masterthesis at SLA, RWTH

    In the early months of 2024, I advanced my academic journey by focusing on my Master's thesis at RWTH Aachen University, an opportunity that came after a series of educational and professional accomplishments in the field of aerospace engineering. The period leading up to my Master's thesis was marked by profound research and intensive study, particularly in the specialized areas of aerospace engineering and simulation sciences applied to structural mechanics. The title of my Master's thesis is: "Analysis of the uniqueness of optimal cross-sections in classical bending theory"
  • 2023
  • Working for Chess.com on the World's Second Best Chess Engine, Torch

    In 2023, I joined a select team of software developers, including Andrew Grant and several other renowned chess engine developers, to work on Torch. This project has since achieved remarkable success, establishing Torch as the second most powerful chess engine globally.
  • October 2022
  • Beginning of Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering and Simulation Sciences at RWTH University

  • March 2022
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at RWTH University

    The end of my bachelor's thesis, after being at MTU, marks the point at which I was granted my Bachelor of Science degree. I specialized in Aerospace Engineering, with fluid and structural mechanics being the most interesting topics to me, while I extended my knowledge about computer science applications privately.
  • 2021
  • 2021
  • Bachelorthesis at MTU Aero Engines in Munich

    In the second half of 2021, I continued my studies after a small breaktime due to the covid pandemic which restricted my possibilities for writing an external bachelor thesis. After my first time at MTU, I got the offer to do my bachelor thesis for them. The title of my thesis reads: "Parameter-based optimization of the cooling chanel of a low-pressure turbine vane under thermal and mechanical loading".
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • Internship at MTU Aero Engines in Munich

    In my last year of my bachelors, I have done an internship for MTU Aero Engines. I was in the department for additive manufacturing. During this time I was working closely with finite element software as well as 3-dimensional printing technologies. This was coupled and applied by optimising various structures from modern aircraft turbines using topology and shape optimization techniques.
  • 2020
  • 2020
  • Working as student assistant for SLA RWTH

    The third institute I worked for is the institute for ligthweight designs (SLA). Here I decided to investigate the mechanical properties of various materials. I big part was the preparation and execution of different mechanical tests.
  • 2019
  • 2019
  • Working as student assistant for CATS RWTH

    During my second year in the university, I decided to work for the CATS institute. During this time I was programming scripts to manage fluid simulations as well as doing fluid simulations myself using an inhouse Navier-Stokes solver. I also worked on the codebase of the Navier-Stokes solver which was mainly written in Fortran.
  • 2018
  • 2018
  • Working as student assistant for IAM RWTH

    I worked for the institute for general mechanics (IAM) at the RWTH Aachen university. During this time I focused on the usage of neural networks in the fields of structural mechanics and their applications.
  • 2017
  • Beginning of Mechanical Engineering studies at RWTH

  • April 2017
  • High School Diploma

    In 2017 I got my A-Levels with an average score of 1.4. My advanced courses were mathematics and physics while being greatly interested in computer science.
  • 2010
  • 2017
  • High School

    I went to Clara-Schumann Gymnasium in Bonn for 8 years after my primary school.
  • 2006
  • 2009
  • Primary School

    I went to Clemens-August-Schule Bonn for 4 years as my primary school during the age of 6 and 9.
  • 15. April 1999
  • Birth

    Born in Germany, Bonn.
    Finn Eggers; Tel. +49 151 15867144; Email web@finneggers.de